10.11 Converting to p-values

How do we know whether the ABBA-BABA counts are significantly different? We can convert the Z score into a p-value:

d_result <- d_result %>%
  # convert z score into pvalue
  mutate(p = 2 * pnorm(-abs(Zscore)))

##        W         X       Y     Z      D stderr Zscore  BABA  ABBA  nsnps
## 1 French Sardinian Vindija Chimp 0.0038 0.0074  0.511 10974 10891 487843
##           p
## 1 0.6093511

Interpretation of this p-value

The p-value does not look significant (no introgression into the ancestors of this French or Sardinian individual). This is in line with our observation that there doesn’t seem to be a disproportionate amount of ABBA or BABA sites.