3.11 Required homework

The data from the paper has been pre-filtered for you. Run this code block to read it in:

# read data
crossovers <- read.table("crossovers.tsv", header = TRUE)

# preview data
##   Proband_id n_pat_xover n_mat_xover Father_age Mother_age
## 1          3          22          51         29         28
## 2         10          26          50         26         26
## 3         11          25          38         25         22
## 4         15          24          50         31         26
## 5         20          27          35         26         24
## 6         22          28          40         39         31

The columns in this table are:

  1. Proband_id: ID of the child
  2. n_pat_xover: Number of crossovers (carried by the child) that occurred in the paternal gametes
  3. n_mat_xover: Number of crossovers that occurred in the maternal gametes
  4. Father_age: Father’s age at proband’s birth
  5. Mother_age: Mother’s age at proband’s birth

Assignment: Using the ggplot code from this module, plot the relationship between parental age and number of crossovers. As with the DNM data, make one plot for the maternal crossovers and one plot for the paternal. Do you think parental age impacts crossover number?


Plot paternal crossovers:

ggplot(data = crossovers,
       # x axis is paternal age
       aes(x = Father_age,
           # y axis is number of crossovers
           y = n_pat_xover)) +

Plot maternal crossovers:

ggplot(data = crossovers,
       # x axis is maternal age
       aes(x = Mother_age,
           # y axis is number of crossovers
           y = n_mat_xover)) +

Just by eye, it doesn’t really seem that age affects number of crossovers for either mothers or fathers.