6.20 Required homework
Assignment: Re-run the steps we used to generate our PCA plot, this time using the all
dataframe. Do these plots look any different from our plots with just common variants?
# extract genotypes and convert to matrix
gt_matrix_all <- all[, 7:2510] %>%
# transpose
gt_matrix_T_all <- t(gt_matrix_all)
# perform PCA
pca_all <- prcomp(gt_matrix_T_all)
# extract coordinates from PCA object
x_all <- pca_all$x
# create dataframe for plotting
pca_results_all <- data.frame(sample = rownames(x_all),
PC1 = x_all[, 1],
PC2 = x_all[, 2],
PC3 = x_all[, 3])
# merge with metadata
pca_results_all <- merge(pca_results_all, metadata,
# specify columns to merge on
by.x = "sample", by.y = "sample")
# calculate variance explained by each PC
var_explained_all <- pca_all$sdev^2 / sum(pca_all$sdev^2)
# print for PC1-PC3
## [1] 0.09154081 0.03824824 0.01207284
# PC1 vs. PC2 plot
ggplot(data = pca_results_all,
aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = superpop)) +
geom_point() +
xlab("PC1 (9.15%)") +
ylab("PC2 (3.82%)")
# PC2 vs. PC3 plot
ggplot(data = pca_results_all,
aes(x = PC2, y = PC3, color = superpop)) +
geom_point() +
xlab("PC2 (3.82%)") +
ylab("PC3 (1.21%)")
The PCA plots actually look pretty similar to the plots with just common variants!